Diversified Portfolio
Diversified Portfolio
As a new asset class, outstanding potential returns beckon. Target long-term uncorrelated diversification by applying a measured portfolio approach to investing.
Low Correlation
Low Correlation
The digital currency sector has a low correlation with other major asset classes, thus offering balanced portfolio diversification.
Convenient Access
Convenient Access
Replace the complexity of purchasing multiple digital assets by simply subscribing to the Digital Fund.
Rigorous Research
Rigorous Research
Lean upon the rigorous selection criteria and filters applied to identify top-tier technological advantage. The objective of these filters are to capture exposure to early stage technologies that fit into the underlying investment thesis of blockchain protocol layer growth.
Secure Ownership
Secure Ownership
Essential yet difficult to execute consistently as technologies change. Security of assets guides how the Digital Fund interacts with the digital asset sector.
Transparent Reporting
Transparent Reporting
Know at a glance precisely what digital assets you own, updated value, original entry prices, and in what proportion to the overall portfolio. Keep it simple.
Digital assets are still in the early days of finding efficient and safe storage solutions. Benefit from best practice risk mitigation strategies to ensure security.